It's been awhile

Greetings Earthlings and Angels, I am stunned to see that it has been six years since I posted here. When I think back to 2016…well, the roller coater got rather dark. Four years of crazy, followed by Covid, during which time I truly wiped the slate clean with a house fire, then another election, then January 6th… Need I go on? I have no doubt that each of you has had your own version of Tower Time. I do not say that lightly, and I hope that you are managing to find your feet, were they swept from beneath you.

As we each look down the path ahead and wonder, “What the hell?!” I feel called to share with you what I have learned about this path, this time and why we need each other more than ever. Since I don’t want to have all the big fun at once, consider this a foot in the door…..or, MY foot in the door. Until then I leave you with two things:

  • You are here on/with purpose

  • You matter

  • Ok…3 things…Keep your seatbelt on and hold hands

    Big Love, Janice